Remembering Merrill Harmin ❤️ –

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Remembering Merrill Harmin ❤️

Posted by Holger:

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 4:00 pm (California Time)  

On Thu, Dec 01, 2022, David wrote:

I’m sorry to report that Merrill died last night.

On Tuesday December 13, Brian wrote:

Dear Life-Talk and Friendly Circles friends,

This is a reminder that this evening,
Tuesday, December 13th,
we will be holding a Zoom gathering
to remember our dear Merrill.

We’ll be sharing a 20-minute video
in which Merrill talks about his spiritual development.

Then we’ll open it up to all who would like to share
their thoughts, feelings, and memories.

Please feel free to invite any others you think would care
to join us, including your circle participants.

Here’s the Zoom information:

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th at 7:00 pm Eastern
CLICK HERE to join Zoom

This will be in place of the regular “Beyond Life Talk” Tuesday meeting.

Hope to see you there,

One Source

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Created: December 13, 2022 
Last modified: December 13, 2022

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One response to “Remembering Merrill Harmin ❤️”

  1. Ron Laino Avatar
    Ron Laino

    R.I.P. Dear Friend

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