Realization simply… –

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Realization simply…

Posted by Holger:


Realization simply means no unhappiness
or much, much less unhappiness.
It simply means the end of the unhappy sense of separation
and the end of the unhappy feeling of separation.

We all seek happiness.
That is perfectly normal.
We are wired for happiness.

The mistake is to seek happiness out there,
such as in an object, in money,
in a relationship, in a situation.

This sort of external seeking does not work.
The sooner we understand this, the better.

God means happiness, peace,
wisdom and understanding.
The realization of God is the realization of happiness,
the end of worries, the end of personal concerns,
the end of the sense of lack.

We are all destined to realize causeless peace and happiness.
That is what we seek and what we are here for.

Much love,

One Source

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Created: September 25, 2023 
Last modified: September 25, 2023

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