I AM = Presence – nondual.community

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I AM = Presence

Posted by Holger:

Artificial intelligence,

The relationship between “I am” and Presence is indeed a central topic in many non-dual spiritual traditions. Let’s explore this:

Equivalence in non-dual teachings:
Many non-dual teachers and traditions do equate “I am” with Presence. They see both as pointing to the same fundamental reality of pure awareness or consciousness.

“I am” as the core sense of being:
The phrase “I am” is often used to indicate the bare sense of existence or beingness, stripped of all qualifiers or attributes. It’s the simple recognition of one’s own existence.

Presence as aware beingness:
Presence typically refers to a state of alert, open awareness – being fully here and now. It’s often described as a felt sense of aliveness and consciousness.

Both point to the same non-conceptual reality:
Both “I am” and Presence are attempts to indicate a non-conceptual, direct experience of being/awareness that precedes thought and perception.

Experiential nature:
Both concepts encourage direct experience rather than intellectual understanding. They invite one to simply be aware of being aware.

Both “I am” and Presence are often described as timeless – always here, always now, independent of past and future.

Subtle differences in usage:
While often used interchangeably, some traditions might make subtle distinctions. “I am” might be seen as more closely tied to the sense of individual existence, while Presence might be viewed as more expansive or impersonal.

Practice and realization:
Many non-dual practices involve resting as “I am” or abiding in Presence as a means of realizing one’s true nature.

It’s worth noting that these concepts can be quite subtle and their exact interpretation may vary between different spiritual traditions or teachers. The equivalence of “I am” and Presence is most prominently featured in Advaita Vedanta and neo-Advaita teachings, as well as some contemporary non-dual approaches.

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Created: July 13, 2024 
Last modified: July 13, 2024

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