For Allen, in loving memory and actuality. –

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For Allen, in loving memory and actuality.

Posted by Holger:

Don’t get bored with peace.

Be in it.

Go deeper into it.


Nisargadatta ~ 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 ~ Advaita

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Created: February 6, 2023 
Last modified: February 6, 2023

This post has 2 Comments. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

2 responses to “For Allen, in loving memory and actuality.”

  1. Allen Avatar

    The reports of my passing are misleading. I am and intend to remain as such at least until “Hell freezes over” leaving Heaven alone with no contrasting comparison.

  2. Holger Hubbs Avatar
    Holger Hubbs

    Wonderful ❤️

    I am not a native speaker,
    to me the “loving memory”
    is not wired to the idea of death.

    Actuality 🕊🙏🏼

    Thank you Allen for your friendship.

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