Death is the opposite of birth –

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Death is the opposite of birth

Posted by Holger:

Understanding that Death is Not the Opposite of Life | Amoda Maa


“So entertain the possibility of the ridiculousness and insanity of fearing something that do you do not yet know; you’re fearing a thought you cannot know the unknown so fear is imaginary; you’re creating an obscuration to True knowing to true Discovery Death Becomes a picture an
image an idea a thought and you are actually relating to that that is what you are fearing how can you fear a thought how can you fear a picture an imagination.”


Holger: and the gentle art of allowing thoughts and feelings to arise, without adding another layer of “me”, trying to improve the movie.



The video explores the profound concept of understanding death as an integral part of life and the importance of psychological liberation. It emphasizes that true liberation comes from examining the nature of impermanence, which includes both life and death, rather than clinging to beliefs about a finite self. The speaker invites viewers to contemplate their fears surrounding death, suggesting that these fears are often based on imagined ideas rather than reality.

Key points include:

Nature of Death: Death is not the opposite of life but rather the opposite of birth, and understanding this can lead to a liberated existence 00:36.

Impermanence: All thoughts, feelings, and experiences are impermanent; recognizing this can help dissolve fears associated with death 09:05.

Psychological Death: The concept of “dying before you die” refers to shedding the psychological burdens and beliefs that prevent true aliveness in the present moment 20:03.

Invitation to Awareness: The speaker encourages viewers to meet each moment without preconceived notions or fears, fostering a deeper connection with reality and existence 21:13.

Ultimately, the video serves as an invitation for self-exploration and awakening to the present moment, free from the constraints of past beliefs and fears.

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Photo by Julia Joppien on Unsplash

Created: August 29, 2024 
Last modified: August 29, 2024

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