Childish or Childlike –

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Childish or Childlike

Posted by Holger:

Thank you Lorri ❤️

“If loving you is wrong,
then I don’t want to be right…”
a profound line in an oldie song,
that somehow stuck with me for 44+ years.

I am grateful for our friendship 🙏🏻


PS: Tangent, some concepts/ideas/viewpoints;
gently, just sharing/reflecting with myself,
trusting that I will get feedback
in case it sounds misguided:

  • Read the Bible as if it is written only for you, here and now.
    People, places and things are pointers to outgrow/unlearn.
  • Mooji: Attention, interest and belief are our main powers.
  • Rupert: be neither in nor out [“my kingdom”]
  • Roger: Don’t contaminate the formless with the world of form.
    “Castle in the sky”.]
  • Magdi: I am, but I don’t know what I am.

Being is effortless.
Relaxing without being lazy.
Trusting/confirming the (biological) intelligence/reality
that maintains and sustains all of life.

The “me” is a mind construct,
conditioned to survive;
it will wiggle, whisper or freak
when it gets too peaceful,
when there is too much Love/openness.

All words as concessions 😇
See you in the garden 🪴

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Created: February 13, 2024 
Last modified: February 13, 2024

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