A good question! – nondual.community

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A good question!

Posted by Holger:

Is consciousness a concept?



Why do we hold on
to the personal narrative when
the freedom,
the joy,
the peace,
the bliss
of consciousness is our true self.

It’s a good question.



So if right now you drop
all your beliefs and your stories
and your narratives,
all your past knowledge,
all of it,
do you disappear?



There is no need to
superimpose a body-mind
onto the formless.
There’s no need to
a form,
a story,
a narrative
upon that, which is so obviously formless and real.



There is no personal self anywhere
that is aware or conscious.
That is simply a belief
that we hold on to.
Because, experientially,
it is always this formless awareness,
which is aware.



Consciousness being conscious of itself.
I am conscious.
I am aware.
And I’m conscious that I’m conscious.
I am aware that I’m aware.



How far are you from this effortless,
formless awareness?
Which you do not need to conceptualize.
Whenever you
conceptualize consciousness,
this concept is perceived.
And that which is perceived
in a glimpse is no longer there.
But the perceiving aspect,
is formless awareness.
Wherever you turn, there it is.
You cannot move away from yourself
and step out of yourself.
It’s not possible.
You are that,



What is it that’s seeking fulfilment or safety?
Because whatever you reach
can only be as real
as that which is reaching.
But if that which is seeking,
that which is experiencing
the sense of lack
is a figment of your imagination,
then whatever that figment
of your imagination reaches
is also imaginary.
Imaginary goodies
for an imaginary goodies lover.
Yet there is a fulfillment in understanding.
The understanding about totality,



There is an innocence in not-knowing;
a receptivity.
So can we meet
whatever appears on the screen
without the past?
Without knowing what we are,
what it is that is on the screen.
To be this silent witness,
without any preference,
without guiding the show.



Openness is freedom.
The freedom of being.
The freedom of not-knowing.
Not-knowing is very rich
because it’s a complete availability…



Is consciousness a concept?

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Created: February 11, 2025 
Last modified: February 11, 2025

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