Update – nondual.community


Give me the money, honey!
This website here as a laboratory to dis-cover…
Shamelessly rooted in Presence
Please don’t just be a passive consumer, but contribute in yOur own way…
here-ing & k-now-ing
“No activity or inactivity of the mind will make the peace of our true nature more or less present than it is in this very moment.”
Sunday 03/03/24 2:00 pm
Satsang: Open listening and thinking about myself? (03/03/2024)
Allow the universe to do its thing. You are aware. Notice this listening space. It’s a borderless space, which somehow hears these words. And this hearing is not in time….
Sunday 03/03/24 6:00 am
Roger Fans’ meeting: True Nature 03/03/2024
We are a small group of friends, interested in nonduality. Join us Sundays for a casual but profound Zoom.
Thursday 02/29/24 10:00 am
Satsang: I am and cannot not be (02/29/2024)
ChatGPT: In this enlightening session, Magdi guides the participants through a brief meditation, delves into the nature of consciousness, and discusses the simplicity of life when understanding the mind.