Hello friend,
Just a reminder about events
posted on nondual.community/calendar
for Sunday 01-08-2023:
7:00 AM PT: “Discussion Group” Roger Castillo
8:00 AM PT: Friendly Circles (requires a free registration)
8:00 AM PT: Reena & Pat: Self-realization
2:00 PM PT: Magdi’s Satsang: Attachment and the peace of being
Oh, and Monday 7:00 AM PT: GardenOfFriends.com
All just free invitations to be with what is,
to have company, to share, to clarify,
to be surprised, to relax,
to debunk unhappiness.
Peace ✌️
PS: Is it true that people’s suffering, injustice, greed, and cruelty
on this beautiful planet
is caused only by a little misidentification?