Cop Out –

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Cop Out

Posted by Holger:

Psychological discomfort
is the assumed separate-self.

It is easier to blame or shame an “other”
than to debunk our own suffering.

The “me” just feels so real and right.


I still feel good about
collaboration and in-team-a-see:

“It takes a universe to make a sandwich.”

“Solo quests make good Westerns or legends,
but almost all systems change is the result
of teams of people, organized and connected
in service of the longer goal.”

For me the invitation is to explore ways
to contribute to fun-da-mental shifts
in our personal and collective narratives.

From the sense of lack and agitation,
to effort-less peace and fulfillment;
together with you:


One Source

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Created: August 28, 2023 
Last modified: August 28, 2023

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “Cop Out”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    Yes. We are together in this journey. Not separate selves. Life is communal.
    Those who love truth share their love and this humble sharing en-light-ens everyone.
    Humility and gratitude are divine.
    Profound appreciation.
    Thanks Holger for the light and lightness you share.
    We are all equally special and non-special.

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