Explosive Vitality – The Mystery that all of us are – nondual.community

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Explosive Vitality – The Mystery that all of us are

Posted by Holger:

So you are saying I am neither this nor that…


“However, if this communication is
incapable of describing the Indescribable,
it can nonetheless arouse in the reader,
beyond thought and language,
a resonance with the explosive vitality
of the Mystery that all of us are.”


Just a little taste and reminder
about Mauro‘s book project
at SmileOfBeing.com


Tangent: The baby on the photo was/is Tessa, less than a month old.
Years later we joked together about having a brand named “Ugly Child” 🥰

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Created: July 28, 2023 
Last modified: July 28, 2023

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