The ‘silent watcher’ concept! –

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The ‘silent watcher’ concept!

Posted by Holger:

Martin Ramsey:

“Nice video!

This Book was actually given to me by a Friend
and I can honestly say it changed my whole life!

The key is the introduction of the ‘silent watcher’ concept!

Some of the quotes from the Book are so unbelievably powerful.

One of my favorites among many is:
‘It is not what you do in life but the state of consciousness f
rom which your actions are performed that matters’…

Every single word of this Book is true,
the higher consciousness behind ‘the mind’
knows that it is true as you read.

This Book made me realize that I was literally sleep walking in life,
100% identified with my mind,
thoughts and ego but I simply had no idea this is what was happening.

I had spiritual awakening and the walls of my ego came crumbling down.

I cannot recommend this Book strongly enough
to every single human person out there who exists.


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Created: November 16, 2022 
Last modified: November 16, 2022

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