Being in love… –

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Being in love…

Posted by Holger:

The other day I had a Zoom with a dear friend.


To love Love and not be confused
by private parts,
by the good old “me” (the conceptual part).

What a trap it was in the past
to take everything personal;
to want, to have and to hold;
overwhelmed with too much energy.

We are all traumatized… (seemingly).

What does it take to live a friendship?
To allow in-team-a-see without suffering.


“God is Love”.
“The belly of the mind is always hungry”.


Mind is wonderful and powerful,
free of identity confusion;

no shame, no blame…
unburdened by absolute statements.

Some snippets I found in cyberspace:
Socks from Charlotte
I never promised you a rose garden


Ready to die (-;
Free to live,
right here and now.

One Source

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Created: May 20, 2023 
Last modified: May 20, 2023

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “Being in love…”

  1. Seen-A-M Avatar

    I (seemingly separate) never thought I would be one day among many flowers in a Garden of Friends, simply enjoying the sunlight of being radiating over our shared fertile ground, turning suffering into compassion for one (another).

    May there be love 💖 and light 🕯️ for all.

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