Never limit God! –

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Never limit God!

Posted by Holger:

Dragonfly photo from today 🥰
(…the other 9 shots were blurry.)


My friend Ethan started his Youtube Channel:

Like and Subscribe 🤸🏻🌸


On ‘my’ side the ripening seems
super slow, but somehow simply amazing:

I am, beyond doubt.
“I am more certain that I am
than that this is a world…”

I am,
but I don’t know what I am!

Consciousness is that which hears these words!

“Embrace with your heart what mind cannot understand.”

I AM is an experience, nothing to figure out.

I don’t need to consult Mr Mind to conceptualize reality.
Ramana Maharshi, a renowned Indian sage, strongly advocated for silence as a spiritual practice:
“Silence is the most potent form of work. However vast and emphatic the scriptures may be, they fail in their effect. The Guru is quiet and peace prevails in all. His silence is more vast and emphatic than all the scriptures put together.”

The silence that is present, even
in listening, speaking and thinking.


“Never limit God!” came from Ethan’s video.



The most important aspect of the non-dual understanding

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Created: August 21, 2024 
Last modified: August 21, 2024

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