I am you – nondual.community

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I am you

Posted by Holger:

Thank you Charles,
I enjoy your graphic expressions.

“A picture says more than a 1,000 words…”
to enhance understanding,
to allow/welcome seeing, openness.


Please share more:


From person to Presence,
from conceptual to direct:

“From now on, therefore,
we regard no one
from a human point of view;
even though we once regarded Christ
from a human point of view,
we regard Him thus no longer.

if any one is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
the old has passed away,
behold, the new has come”
2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Christ = Consciousness/Awareness.
That (whatever it is) which reads these words.

One Source

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Created: August 20, 2024 
Last modified: August 20, 2024

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