There is nothing wrong any more –

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There is nothing wrong any more

Posted by Holger:

Thank you Ralph!

“What you are in essence is self shining, pure intelligence.
The very idea of shining implies a movement. Movement is energy. So, I call it ‘pure intelligence energy’. It is shining through your eyes. You cannot say what it is, and you cannot negate it either. It is ‘no thing. It cannot be objectified. It ever expresses as that living, vibrant sense of presence, which translates through the mind as the thought ‘I am’. The primary thought ‘l am’ is not the reality. It is the closest the mind or thought can ever get to reality, for reality to the mind is inconceivable. It is no thing. Without the thought ‘l am’, is it stillness? Is it silence? Or is there a vibrancy about it, a livingness, a self shining.

All these expressions are mental concepts or pointers towards it, but the bottom line is that you know that you are. You cannot negate that knowing that you are. It is not a dead, empty, silent stillness. It is not about keeping the mind silent, but seeing that what is prior to the mind is the very livingness itself. It is very subtle.

When you see that that is what you are, then the very subtleness expresses itself. That is the uncaused joy. Nisargadatta puts it beautifully. He puts it in the negative: ‘There is nothing wrong any more’. We think that we have to attain something and then stay there. Realize that you have never left it at any time. It is effortless. You don’t have to try or strive or grasp or hold. You are That!”

Sailor Bob Adamson

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Created: August 3, 2024 
Last modified: August 3, 2024

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