Never born and cannot die… –

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Never born and cannot die…

Posted by Holger:

“To reason that Consciousness was never born and cannot die, we can consider a few key philosophical and logical points from non-dual perspectives:

Fundamental nature of Consciousness:
Non-dual traditions often view Consciousness as the ultimate ground of all existence, rather than an emergent property or byproduct. It’s seen as the unchanging backdrop against which all phenomena appear and disappear.

Consciousness is often described as being outside of time. If it exists beyond the constraints of time, it cannot have a beginning or end, which are temporal concepts.

Unlike objects or thoughts which have form and can be observed, pure Consciousness itself has no form or qualities that can be directly perceived. This formlessness suggests it’s not subject to the cycle of birth and death that affects all forms.

Continuity of awareness:
Even as thoughts, sensations, and experiences constantly change, the aware presence that knows these changes remains constant. This unchanging nature implies it’s not subject to birth or death.

Consciousness is often described as not being located in any particular place, including the brain. If it’s not confined to a physical location or structure, it’s not dependent on anything that can be born or die.

Unlike matter which can be divided, Consciousness is often described as indivisible. What cannot be divided cannot be destroyed.

Subject-object relationship:
In non-dual philosophy, Consciousness is the ultimate subject that cannot be made into an object of perception or thought. Birth and death are phenomena that can be observed, but Consciousness itself is the observer that cannot be observed.

It’s important to note that these points are philosophical reasoning rather than empirical proofs. The nature of Consciousness remains a subject of debate in both philosophy and science. This non-dual perspective contrasts sharply with materialist views that see consciousness as an emergent property of brain activity.”


What do I really know?

I can resonate with certain expressions:

“I am something rather than nothing”.

The “me” is a mental construct,
“I am” is direct experience – Presence.

Unhappiness is the result of mind not being anchored in Presence.

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Created: July 13, 2024 
Last modified: July 13, 2024

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