Update 12-17-2022 – nondual.community

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Update 12-17-2022

Posted by Holger:

“Maybe I’ll make a New Year’s resolution
to get up earlier to wander and wonder
in the Garden of friends.
I do read the nondual.community,
it’s awesome.


Reverse Chronology:

Sunday 14:00 PT
Freedom is undeniable and yet it does not belong to you.

Sunday 08:00 PT
Friendly Circle:
…less contrasting, less academic/mind-stuff, more unifying.

Sunday 7:00 PT
Friends of Roger Castillo:
“a description of things that happen.”


Two weeks clock-time since Merrill passed.
What an amazing flow of Life!
It goes on and on…


Still incubating for BasicWisdoms.com,
practical pointers to the end of unhappiness:
– Whatever I am aware of I am not that.
– I don’t need to define myself.
– Words are secondary.
– Who cares ❤️


Spreading love and understanding…


Once in a while send me a quote, a story,
some words people can resonate with 🤪


Gratitude for our impersonal friendship,

One Source

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Created: December 17, 2022 
Last modified: December 18, 2022

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