Mooji Music… –

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Mooji Music…

Posted by Holger:

11 years old…
haven’t listened to music for a while (-;

Dancing Satsang!

“Effortlessly relax attention into its Source.”

Like listening to the Mooji music…
instead to be wiggled away by the music,
to be effortlessly the underlying stillness,
the space in which everything arises and subsides.

Without stillness we wouldn’t hear music.
Stillness, the canvas of life.

Stillness/Presence is the joy of the experience.

Peace, inner space.

One Source

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Created: December 12, 2022 
Last modified: October 27, 2023

This post has 1 Comment. (Click here ❤️ to share your words.)

One response to “Mooji Music…”

  1. Deanna Westendorf Avatar
    Deanna Westendorf

    Fabulous!!!💃 The One Being is in an eternal dance with itself💛

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