Buy nothing…? –

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Buy nothing…?

Posted by Holger:

A few words I read here, that resonate:

“Show your humanity.
Remember that each person you meet here is a real person.
None of us are perfect,
sometimes we get things right and sometimes we get things wrong.
Speak your truth without fear, listen with compassion,
build the sort of community you want to live in,
and allow people the time and space to learn better
so they can do better.

Be open to creativity.
Experiment to find new ways and new gifts to give, request, and share.
Find ways to use your Gives, Asks, Gratitude and Shares
to build a more equitable, joyful, inclusive,
sustainable, and compassionate community.”


One Source

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Created: September 25, 2023 
Last modified: September 25, 2023

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