Sharing the teaching –


Sunday 10/01/23 3:45 pm
I AM THAT >>> Ron > 10/01/2023
Please RSVP to Ron@Nondual.Community and you will receive a free Zoom link.
Morning Doodle (last year)
I discern direct-experience from second-hand knowledge. I am aware of thinking, feeling and perceiving. I bravely examine the sense of “me”.
…prevent you from enjoying
“The next time you see a flower or an insect, give it your full attention and you will be astonished to realize that the difference between the two is purely…
Saturday 09/23/23 12:00 pm
Roundtable: Adyashanti, Rupert, John <<< 09-23-2023
Jonathan Gustin brings together his meditation teachers in front of a LIVE audience for some lively co-exploration of non-duality, through Q&A, through questions such as: – What is Enlightenment? What…
Me Or I am?
Thank you for hanging in there, at the (-; “And the weird thing with unhappiness is when you completely accept the unhappiness, it cannot survive very long. (chuckles)”
Realization simply…
We all seek happiness. That is perfectly normal. We are wired for happiness. The mistake is to seek happiness out there, such as in an object, in money, in a…